Evolutionary Map of the Universe is a new-generation radio survey conducted with the Australian SKA Pathfinder (ASKAP). EMU will survey the entire Southern sky extending as far North as +30 deg in declination.

We acknowledge the Wajarri Yamatji people as the traditional owners of the
Inyarrimanha Ilgari Bundara, the CSIRO Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory site,
where ASKAP is based.

EMU Main Survey observing is under way!

The main EMU survey has started in November 2022, and as of mid June 2024 is 21% complete for the first five-year survey coverage plan. Below is a screenshot of the EMU five-year footprint (orange tile borders) and the current progress of the main survey (green borders are indicating the completed and released tiles).


EMU Sister Programs

POSSUM (Polarisation Sky Survey of the Universe's Magnetism) is a survey commensal to EMU and WALLABY ASKAP surveys, and aims to measure the all-sky Faraday Rotation measures (RMs).

PEGASUS is a zero spacing complementary program to EMU, surveying the sky with the 64m diameter Parkes/Murriyang single dish radio telescope. An article showcasing the power of combining EMU with PEGASUS has been published in The Conversation.
Press releases: CSIRO and Macquarie University.


EMU-VLBI is high resolution (mas scales) complementary program to EMU, utilising Australian Long Baseline Array (LBA) at 18cm to target preselected sources in the pilot phase, and wide field VLBI techniques in the future. The observations are currently ongoing.

Survey Highlights:

EMU discovers a new class of objects

Discovery of the Odd Radio Circles (ORCs) took the world by storm. A first completely unexpected discovery of a new type of object was made in the earliest stages of EMU survey operations, within a few weeks after first pilot data were taken! We now know that ORCs are circles of radio emission, up to a million light years in diameter, associated with distant galaxies. They are probably triggered by shock waves, but we do not yet know what generated that shock wave (e.g. colliding galaxies? merging supermassive black holes?) and this is now a very active area of research.

The ASKAP/EMU discovery of ORCs has had huge impact on the recent research trends, and the objects are now being followed up not only by other radio telescopes like MeerKAT, but also at other wavelengths like a recent study with the Keck Observatory.

Read more:
☆ The Conversation: ‘Odd radio circles’ that baffled astronomers are likely explosions from distant galaxies
☆ The Conversation: Newly discovered ghostly circles in the sky can’t be explained by current theories
☆ The Conversation: Expect the unexpected from the big-data boom in radio astronomy

Emerging Machine Learning Methods

Machine learning methods are in their infancy especially when it comes to radio astronomical research. Preparing to deal with tens of millions radio sources, EMU has been putting extra effort in this research area, with a dedicated teams in Australia and Italy. The methods are based predominantly on deep-learning models using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). A series of papers have now been published by our teams, e.g. self-organising maps, mask R-CNN, and computer vision methods, among others. More machine learning focused publications being developed for EMU can be found in our ADS library.

News, Science Highlights & Press Releases


EMU International Meeting: Registration now open!

International EMU team meeting is back with the full hybrid capabilities. For those that can participate in person, see you in September 2024 in Perth! Meeting website

PROGRAM is now live!


Fast as Potoroo! Investigating spectacular bow shock pulsar wind nebula

Two of the most powerful radio telescopes, ASKAP (EMU survey) and MeerKAT discover a bow-shock pulsar wind nebula and a young pulsar at the centre of it all. Led by Dr Sanja Lazarevic, the comprehensive study of radio pulsar with the second-highest dispertion measure of all pulsars has been now published in PASA: science paper

Discovery of an unusual relativistic jet in a nearby galaxy

Detailed study of a highly-collimated jet in a nearby galaxy NGC2663, that may be the first one observed recollimating on kiloparsec-scales! The study led by doctoral student Velibor Velović of Western Sydney University, is based on observations from EMU survey combined with multi-wavelength data. Check out the MNRAS science paper and The Conversation press release!

Dancing Ghosts in the sky

A peculiar radio source has been found in the first observations of the EMU Pilot Survey: a group of distorted radio components (PKS 2130–538) that our team nicknamed `the dancing ghosts'. The spectacular complex radio source is in fact two, likely interacting galaxies, at the centres of the narrow, heavily bent jet pairs seen in the radio image. Check out the The Conversation article for details.


A fresh look at galaxy clusters with EMU and eROSITA

Using the latest state-of-the-art instruments our team has investigated in great, multi-wavelength detail Abell 3391/95 galaxy cluster system, discovering 15 Mpc intergalactic filament, a warm gas bridge, and infalling matter clumps -- "threads in the cosmic web". Check out the Astronomy and Astrophysics science paper #1 (radio focused), paper #2 (X-ray focused), The Conversation article, and a page with scientific resources on this work!

ORCs: the Odd Radio Circles in the sky!

Discovering the unexpected! ASKAP/EMU discovers a new class of objects that appear in radio images as circular edge-brightened discs, about one arcmin diameter, that are unlike any known radio sources! Check out the PASA discovery science paper and the first in a series The Conversation article for details.

Citizen Scientists discover Giant Radio Galaxy!

Radio Galaxy Zoo (RGZ) was developed in a preparation for the upcoming ASKAP/EMU image database of tens of millions of radio objects that we will have to classify. Now, citizen scientists surprise us finding a giant radio galaxy and an associated poor cluster of galaxies, named after the volunteers: Matorny-Terentiev cluster! Check out the MNRAS science paper and The Conversation article for details.

Surveying the Southern
radio sky

EMU is a new-generation radio survey observing the entire Southern Sky as far North as +30 degrees. It will be the "Southern NVSS", but 40 times more sensitive, of four times the NVSS resolving power, and will detect 70 million galaxies.


EMU Science

The key science goals of EMU are to trace the cosmic history of star-formation in galaxies, to trace the evolution of black hole throughout the history of the Universe, to explore the link between radio sources and dark matter haloes, and the large-scale structure of the Universe, and to create a sensitive atlas of Galactic radio sources.


Australian SKA Pathfinder

ASKAP is a state-of-the-art radio telescope located in remote Western Australia, and the Square Kilometre Array telescope pathfinder. It is uniquely designed to deliver new-generation radio surveys.